This website including any publications on this website may contain references to products produced and/or offered by other companies. The product and company names may be trademarked and are the sole property of their respective owners. TE Automation Pty Ltd disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.
Please Note: We do not guarantee or warrant the products described on this website or any document or other printed matter are suitable for your particular application, nor do we assume any responsibility for your product design, selection of product, installation or operation.
All Prices shown on this website are trade prices and are Exclusive of GST and in Australian Dollars (AUD).
This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand how TE Automation collects, uses and protects personal information provided through its website and mobile applications. It does not cover information that is collected or obtained by us through other means.
Any personal information (such as name, contact or credit card information) provided to us will only be used for processing and invoicing of your payment, order and shipment and for marketing purposes. The parties who perform services for us (credit card processors, merchant bank) may also have access to your information in performing such services. No credit card information is physically stored by us.
TE Automation will not provide any of these data or information to third parties unless it is necessary to process your orders.
TE Automation is committed to preserving the privacy of users of our website. Any information about you that we collect is used purely to improve our products and services we offer to you, and to make our website content and services easier to use and more appropriate to you. We may use this information, with your permission, to contact you with information about updates to our products, website or in regards to other marketing information such as newsletters/flyers. You may customize your marketing preferences or let us know if you don’t wish to receive any promotional materials, by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.
Failure to disclose relevant information may result in the Company being unable to process your request.
Further information on privacy are available at: http://www.privacy.gov.au