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Important Firewall Rules – READ MORE

Finding open ports in the network – READ MORE

USB-Server – READ MORE Digital, setup and configuration – READ MORE

Web Thermometer – READ MORE

Web-IO Digital – READ MORE


Islandization with small firewalls

More security for machines, equipment and systems 

The Microwall Gigabit protects vulnerable networks in production, medicine and building management.  

Whether a machine tool, X-ray machine or elevator controller: Microwall Gigabit isolated vulnerable systems from the surrounding network. It controls, monitors and logs communication with this safe island using basic rules.  

By isolating with Microwall you increase security in your network – simply and effectively. 

READ MORE: Firewalls, segmentation and islandization

Application example: Islandization of a CNC milling machine in the network.

This application example shows how you isolate a CNC milling machine with 24 open ports behind a Microwall so that no parts are visible to the surrounding network. By specifying just a single firewall rule it can continue to access the production data server without being limited in its function. 

READ MORE: To application

Link application “USB devices in virtual systemsVMware / Windows Virtual PC / VirtualBox / HyperV”: READ MORE 

Link application “USB dongles in the network: READ MORE 

Link application “USB-Server as global line driver” : READ MORE 

Link application “rule box as IP Watcher”: READ MORE 

Link application “trigger time-based events”: READ MORE 

Link application, “web thermometer and slack”: READ MORE 

Link application, Node-Red example in detail: READ MORE 

